Friends & Family of Elders: Assist With Respect

At some point in our lifetime, we are faced with the difficult decision of how to care for our parents or someone dear to us in their elder years. An elder’s desire to maintain autonomy often conflicts with the family’ perceptions of what is proper, safe, or appropriate for the elder. At Inheritance Lawyers, we assist friends and family of elders to overcome the many challenges in overseeing the elder’s health, finance and safety, while accommodating the elder’s desire for individual control and respect.

Conflicts and disputes can also arise between the elder’s family and non-family caregivers or decision-makers such as friends and


neighbors; particularly in situations where family members do not live close by or are not in regular contact with the elder. It is common that the family members suspect the friends or neighbors of taking advantage of the elder. These conflicts, suspicions, and tensions, if not properly handled, can fester into protracted litigation, leading to rapid and significant depletion of the elder’s assets that would otherwise go to caring for the elder.

At Inheritance Lawyers, we have the experience working with elders, families, and friends that enable us to resolve concerns and conflicts without court involvement or litigation. As necessary, we also collaborate with other professionals (such as care managers, financial planners, and accountants) to craft creative and practical solutions to help you care for your elders and protect them from abuse or fraud while maintaining and preserving family relationship and legacy.

Contact us for a consultation if any of the following applies:

  • An elder has signs of dementia and seems to need help with daily living and financial management. I do not know how to help without coming across as meddling and controlling.

  • A family or non-family member moves into the elder’s home to care for the elder.

  • The caregiver is not providing information about the elder’s finance when asked.

  • The caregiver is named as beneficiary of the elder’s estate.

  • The caregiver marries the elder.

  • The caregiver isolates the elder from family and friends.

  • An elder has not paid bills for months and forgets to take or takes the wrong medication, but denies having any problem and does not want any help.